10 Free Must Have Apps For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is the latest Ubuntu release. Officially named as Ubuntu 12.04 ‘Precise Pangolin’, this operating system is by far the most advanced Ubuntu version. Currently its in Beta version, by has already surprised a great percentage of people with its features.

Its interesting features include, ClickPad, Unity desktop, RhythmBox, Libre Office and many more. Here are some of the free must have apps for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (alphabetical order).

7 Free Must Have Apps For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS


Well, torrent clients like Bit Torrent, uTorrent have captured a great share of user base. And if you do not mind trying out new programs and apps, then give a try to Deluge. This torrent client has so many plugins to offer which makes it a powerful option.

apt-get install deluge


If you are in need of a FTP client for files, then is there a better tool than FileZilla? Get it installed on your Mac. A must have FTP client for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

apt-get install filezilla


Geany is an incredible Integrated Development Environment as it is fast, small and does not consume much of resources. It supports almost all the programming languages which include  C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal  and many more.

apt-get install geany


Gimp is basically a GNU Image Manipulation Program meant for editing photos. I wonder if there is a better free photo editor for any operating system. If you have not used it yet, then give it a try as its worth using it.

apt-get install gimp


I have not used it for myself, but have heard a lot about this incredible tool to build a web server on Ubuntu. The name LAMP, has basically been derived from the first letters of Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL and PHP.

sudo tasksel Then choose Lamp-Server from dialogue box


MultiGet is a file downloader for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms which include Ubuntu 12.04 also. With all the incredible features of a file downloading tool packed, MultiGet is one of the must have apps for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

apt-get install multiget


The fact that it lets me stay away from navigating across multiple IM clients makes it a must have one. There isn’t much to be bragged about this incredible IM client.

apt-get install pidgin

VIM Editor

vi Editor on Unix is considered to be the most powerful text editor on any computing platform. Since I use it everyday, I can stand for its testimony. vim editor is a free app for Ubuntu which brings the best of vi editor features to Ubuntu, and this makes it special.

apt-get install vim-nox

VLC Player

I am pretty sure that you would install this program even if it had not been listed here. It is undoubtedly the most powerful video player on the planet earth which is capable of playing almost anything. Get it,

apt-get install vlc

Ubuntu Restricted Extras’ Packages

I am not really sure about the packages it would cover, but can surely be installed to get the useful programs on your machine. Just treat is as a sweet surprise, as it would only impress you.

apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Filed under: Linux
May 14, 2012 by: Prasanth Chandra


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