How to Create an Index Page for Word Documents
If you have a large document, creating an index could be really helpful in locating information within the document. An index lists all the important points and topics in your document under one orderly alphabetical list. Hence, Word provides you with an easy to use index maker. using this, you can create Index pages for […]
Import Calculations from old versions of Excel without a Problem
While upgrading to Excel 2007, you imported calculations from older Excel documents. However, the import wasn’t 100 percent successful and you get the error message ‘#NAME?’ in some cells. The problem occurs if you have used analysis functions such as ‘CONVERT’, ‘CALENDAR WEEK’ or ‘MROUND’ in the calculation, which you had to activate earlier as […]
How to Read Text files and Website Contents on Apple iPod
You can read simple text files and website contents on your Apple iPod. By using this feature, you can have your required content even if you are on the move. This functionality is absolutely possible on the iPod with the help of a software called Text 2 iPod. All models other than the iPod shuffle […]
How to Save and Apply Filter Settings Faster in Excel
Excel has effective filter functions for evaluating table data. Separate filters can also be set for individual columns. This may be good but you have to set the criteria after each time you edit the data. Now that’s tedious! Though there is no evident way to save the filter settings, a user-defined view retains the […]
How to Create and Use Pre-Defined Cover Pages in MS-Word
Cover Pages for Word Documents will make them look attractive. These cover pages will be used at the start of the document and it is very important to get a good design as it reflects the whole document. Creating attractive cover pages for concepts or literary tasks is difficult and time-consuming, especially if you have […]
Prevent Gross Computing Errors in MS-Excel using Hot Fix Package
Microsoft Excel 2007 program commits a faux pas while calculating a particular number range. Excel 2007 is weak in certain number ranges; here, the calculation program gives an output of completely wrong values. This includes results between 65534.99999999995 and 65535 as well as between 65535.99999999995 and 65536. Instead of these numbers, the table calculation shows […]
How to Hide Icons and Clean Up the Notification Area of Taskbar
Many taskbar icons are redundant and unnecessarily occupy memory space. You can get rid of those redundant icons and make more room in the taskbar. This is useful if you don’t use taskbar icons often and if you like your taskbar to be free of clutter. To do so, Right-click on Start bar and open […]
Play all Video Formats in Windows Media Player without Hassles / Breaks
If Windows Media Player is causing problems while playing certain video formats. It will be impossible to enjoy a video without any hassles. Change the settings of video acceleration to solve this problem and play all video or movie formats without hassles or breaks. For this, Open ‘Tools > Options’ in the Media Player and […]
How to Specify a Different Reply Address for the Recipient in Microsoft Outlook
You can specify a different reply addresses for the recipients in your Microsoft Outlook. This will be useful in many situations. For example say, you send a private email from the computer at your workplace. If the recipient presses “Reply” the mail lands in your company inbox as usual. However, you would prefer it if […]
Repairing Icons for Links and Html Files in Internet Explorer 8
Something has gone wrong when setting up Internet Explorer 8: despite uninstalling version 7, the new browser does not display an icon for HTML files correctly. This problem occurs if Windows does not update the icon cache after the browser installs. This happens sometimes and the correct icons will not be shown. In order to […]
How to Change Default Settings for Text Box in MS-Word
When adding text boxes, Microsoft Word normally creates these with a frame and in the Times New Roman font. These default settings might not be suitable for your tasks at all. A solution for the default frame is found quickly and using this you can change the Text Box setting to removing frame and define […]
How to Arrange Your Downloads Automatically by Folders in Opera
In Opera, there a way to arrange my downloads automatically by folders. Among the many features that Opera comes loaded with is one that automatically organizes all your downloads (transfers) as separate folders, based on the type of file formats downloaded. To have Opera accomplish this feat, Go to Tools > Preferences > Advanced and […]
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