Web 2.0 has a variety of icons and logos. Ever wondered how would your name be in the web 2.0 style. Here is Web2.0Write, a simple web application that can turn any submitted text into a nice looking text images made of icons of popular Web 2.0 services.
To change your text to image simply type in the given field and click “Web2.0!” button. In return you will get an image that can be saved on to your computer. You will get it in the form of converted text and as a single image. You can even embed this in your blogs or profiles of social networking sites by copying the code produced and you can even tweet or bookmark this.
By using this site you can Convert text to image online, Save created text images on to computer or embed on any website and it requires no registration or signing up. So go ahead and try out your name or any text you want Web 2.0 style at www.web2.0write.com
This is a good, common sense article. Very helpful to one who is just finding the resouces about this part. It will certainly help educate me.
Hey brilliant, this has been a great help to me, I have had some really strange trouble in my private life recently and it is funny how little things can really pick you back up or make you lose focus on the horrible things and get busy with the other things in life. Anyway thank you.
If you are refering to BAH, it would depend on your locality. I’m stationed in PA and when I got married my BAH went up $275.
Digging this wallpaper! Looks quality on my new Mac 🙂
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Great blog!!! Very informative and inciteful. Excellent!!!
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This is Arun Shivaram 2.0 http://www.web2.0write.com/archive/c848757b52a85eb1d5f1704b45d21de0.png