You can easily update your Facebook Status and can share anything with your friends online. For those who are always on the move, Now there is an option to register and activate Facebook on your mobile phone and update your Facebook status through a SMS ( Short Message Service ) from your mobile phone.
Using Facebook Mobile, you can share anything with your friends with a text message and also can receive notification for friend requests, messages, wall posts, and status updates from friends, search for phone numbers, upload photos/videos, can share In order to use this feature,
Log in to Facebook
Go to Settings and click “Account Settings”.
Click on to the “Mobile Tab”.
Click the “Register for Facebook Mobile Texts”.
On the “Activate Facebook Texts” box prompted, fill in the information accordingly.
You will receive a confirmation code to your mobile phone.
Enter the confirmation code to register and activate the Facebook mobile account.
Register your mobile phone to the Facebook account.
Once the phone is registered and activated, you can then update Facebook status via SMS and can also enjoy another options. This is very useful for people who wants to stay in touch with their friends even on the move using their mobile phone.
Will money be charged for activating facebook sms technique
no, its FREE