15 Keyboard Shortcuts For Outlook

If you use MS Outlook daily in and out, then knowing few keyboard shortcuts for Outlook would surely help. Well, keyboard shortcuts are meant to things easier, and that is why people get used to it.

No doubt that like any other software, MS Outlook has also got so many shortcuts but we have listed the useful ones which you would be using daily.

Like most of the other shortcuts for other programs, these are also easy to remember and use and eventually this list would help you do things on Outlook on few key strokes. And that is how you would quicken your Outlook work.

15 Keyboard Shortcuts For Outlook

 Create a meeting request

Go to Inbox

Move any message from one folder to another

Toggle between Mail, Calender and Contacts

Switch between ALL CAPS, all lowercase and Sentence  Caps

Search in the message body

Open Address Book

Send message

Reply To Message

Reply All To Message

Forward message

Delete any item

Open advanced find

Spell Check

Save As


  Ctrl + Shift + Q

Ctrl + Shift + I

Ctrl + Shift + V

Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, Ctrl + 3

Shift + F3


Ctrl + Shift + B

Alt + S

Ctrl + R

Ctrl + Shift + R

Ctrl + F

Ctrl + D

Ctrl + Shift + F




Filed under: Tips n Tricks
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October 24, 2011 by: Prasanth Chandra

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