Microsoft Outlook involves a lot of data and loads of mails and it is hard to search for a particular item. We can simplify this search by use of some prefixes while searching. I listed all the keywords that can be used for smart searching. Here is a list of Prefixes to use Outlook 2007’s Instant Search more effectively:
Items containing “pcsplace”, “pcsplace”, “PcSPlace”, or any other combination of uppercase and lowercase
PCs place
Items containing both “pcs” and “place”, not necessarily in that order
pcs AND place
Same as the above. Logical operators such as AND and NOT must be typed in uppercase
pcs NOT place
Items containing “pcs” and not “place”
pcs OR place
Items containing “pcs”, or “place”, or both
- “pcs place”
Items containing the exact phrase “pcs place”
from:”prasanth chandra”
Items sent from “prasanth chandra”, whatever case Mr prasanth uses for his name
from:”prasanth chandra” about:”pcs place”
Items sent from “prasanth chandra” where “pcs place” appears in the subject line, body, or attachment contents
hasattachment:yes OR hasattachment:true
Items that have attachments
Items that have attachments named presentation.ppt, or if the attachment contains “presentation.ppt” in its contents
subject:”pcs place”
Items whose subject contains the exact phrase “pcs place”, case insensitive
subject:pcs place
Items with “pcs” in the subject line and with “place” anywhere else in the document
messagesize:<25 KB
Items whose size is less than 25 KB
messagesize:>25 MB
Items whose size is larger than 25 MB
Items that arrived on 1/3/2008
Items that arrived the previous day. As a note here, the search feature recognises the following date values:
Relative dates: For example, “today”, “tomorrow”, “yesterday” Multi-word relative dates: For example, “this week”, “next month”, etc. Days: Sunday, Monday, etc. Months: January, February, etc.
received:last week
Items that arrived the previous week
due:last week
Items that were flagged for follow up in the previous week
Items whose size is less than 10 KB
Items whose size is between 10 and 25 KB
Items whose size is between 25 and 100 KB
Items whose size is between 100 and 500 KB
Items whose size is between 500 KB and 1 MB
Items whose size is larger than 5 MB
followupflag:follow up OR hasflag:true
Items that have been flagged for follow-up
from:pc (received:1/3/08 OR received:2/3/08)
Items from “pc” that arrived on either 1/3/08 or 2/3/08
received:>=1/3/08 AND received:<=5/3/08
Items that arrived between and inclusive of 1/3/08 and 5/3/08
Items that were sent the previous day
read:no OR read:false
Items that have not been read
subject:pc received:May
Items received from anyone during the month of May of any year, where the subject contains “pc”
startdate:next week subject:pc
Calendar items the following week where the subject contains “pc”.
Items categorised as “pc”
Contacts that contain “prasanth” (in any case) in the First Name field
Note: Use “lastname” and “nickname” similarly
Contacts that contain “engineer” in the Job Title field
Contacts that contain “2762-9191” in the Home Phone field. Similarly, use “businessphone” and “mo
bilephone”, as well as “homefax” and “businessfax”. Also, for searching by contact, you can use “businessaddress” and “homeaddress”, with the address enclosed in brackets.
Contacts that contain “29/10/1988” in the Birthday field.