RSS Handler- Use YouTube Videos As Podcasts

If you like watching videos on YouTube and are also into Podcasts, then this is a must check out post for you. I know few people who could spend 20 hours of their day’s schedule on watching YouTube, and for such breed of people, this program named RSS Handler is highly useful.

This is a simple app which converts any YouTube video link into a URL which can be used with an Podcast app. It implies that it lets you make podcasts of any YouTube video instantly. Yes, all you need is RSS Handler, a Podcast program and Internet connection.

With this app running on your machine, you need not download any YouTube videos manually as you can check these videos later from your Podcast manager. And you can use your Podcast manager to schedule downloads. Its like automating your video world.

In addition to all this, RSS Handler gives you an extreme control over it. You can choose between User, Playlists, Subscriptions and few other categories. It also lets you choose the video quality and number of items you want it to grab.

You can also ask RSS Handler to remove all the meta data while publishing its Podcast link. I have asked few of my friends to use it and I got a similar review from every one that “Its simplicity is its key”.

If in case you wish to change the port number for your Podcasts, then you can do that too. And the fact that it does not need Java to run makes it a light weight program.

If you are into YouTube and Podcasts, then RSS Handler is a highly recommended program for you.

Filed under: Software
November 28, 2012 by: Prasanth Chandra

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