Screengrab – Capture Screenshots of Web Pages from your Browser

Screenshots from web pages are used for  creating Documents and presentations etc. The usual way is by pressing Print Screen and saving it using image editing software like paint. This gets complicated when you want to take a screenshot of the whole page (below the fold) . To solve your problem here is a Firefox browser extension called Screengrab. This will let you take screenshots of different webpages from browser. The best feature is that you can capture screenshots the way you want. This can also be done by some software like SnagIt, but why spend money if you can do it for free..!

screengrab - capture screenshots from browser

The different ways of capturing screenshots include what you can see in the window, the entire page, just a selection, a particular frame. It saves webpages as images – either to a file, or to the clipboard. It can capture any Java or Flash embedded in a page, provided Java is installed in the browser.

To use Screengrab, just right-click a page to bring up the context menu and look at the options under “Screengrab”. It’s pretty self-explanatory.

Get the Firefox add-on Screengrab.


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