How to Hide Control Panel Applets
There are so many applets in the Control Panel that you never use. If you don’t want to see all of them in your control panel, this hack will let you hide applets in the Control Panel. It doesn’t enhance performance but the main use of this hack is to make the control panel look […]
How To Burn BIN File Without a CUE File
In order to burn a bin file, you will need an appropriate cue file. It will be the same as for ISO files too. But you can even burn BIN without a CUE file. Generally, when you click on “burn image” in your CD/DVD burning application, you don’t browse to the bin itself, but instead […]
How to Suppress Error Messages when Booting
This hack will suppress all pop-ups informing you that a device is not working or is causing an error. You might want to temporarily apply this edit if you know that a certain device isn’t working, and you don’t want to keep getting reminded. Navigate to: HLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows Change the value of the DWORD called NoPopupsOnBoot […]
5 Maintenance Tasks that Improve Performance of Computer
If your computer seems slower than it used to be, it probably is. Over time, computers get slower because files become disorganized and resources are consumed by unnecessary software. Fortunately, Your Operating System includes tools to clean up your computer and restore its performance. The five steps in this article will walk you through the […]
How to Disable Image Compression in Microsoft Office 2007
By default, Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 compresses images put into a presentation while saving. While this saves file size, it can result in a loss of quality – which you might not always want. To disable Image compression .. Select the Office Button > Save As. Then select Tools > Compress Pictures. Click Options. Uncheck […]
Speed Up Internet Explorer Loading and Browsing Speeds
Like Firefox, Internet Explorer is very slow to load pages. There are various reasons for this: the number of simultaneous connections that IE makes with the server is limited and it also keeps searching for network shares and printers. Here are some registry tweaks to Speed up Internet Explorer and significantly improve your Internet browsing […]
How to Speed Up Acrobat Reader Loading Time
Adobe Acrobat reader is used by many people to access their PDF files. But it really irritates when acrobat reader takes 5 to 10 seconds to load when you want to open a pdf document. Here is a way to speed up the loading time. 1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader (C:\program […]
How to Print the Contents of Folder or Directory
If you want to make a list of all the contents of a directory, you’re going to have to find a much easier way than typing it all out. If it’s a multi-GB music directory, you’ll end up with aching fingers before you’re even halfway through. Thankfully, I’ve got an easier way. You can create […]
12 Simple Ways to Optimize Windows Vista for Best Performance
Computers will get slower and slower with the time. There are many reasons for this like fragmentation of hard disks,lot of useless installed programs etc. Whatever the cause may be, there are a lot of ways to help speed up Windows and make your PC work better – even without upgrading your hardware. Here are […]
How to Speed Up Booting Time of Windows XP or Vista
Booting Time always annoys many people, especially when it takes ages to get into your operating system. This can be tweaked to speed up booting time in XP and Vista. It involves a simple procedure involving small tricks. To do this, Follow the following steps.. 1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q" (without the […]
Simple way to Change your IP Address Quickly
Changing IP address often involves some third party software or some serious procedures. IP address is the only thing which identifies your computer in the internet. This can be changed at will and can be done by following some simple steps. This will be helpful for Anonymous surfing or when you are downloading a file […]
6 Best Ways to Open & Convert DOCX Files
DOCX format is the special format for Microsoft Office 2007. These files cannot be opened directly by Microsoft Office 2003 or earlier versions? generally DOC format is used in those versions. Here are 6 ways which will help you to open the docx files quickly and easily. I will update the list regularly. You too […]
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