How to Calculate Faster in Excel using Goal Seek

Excel has a lot of functions which make your life easier. One such feature is Goal Seek. It can be used to help you speed up your calculations. Goal Seek is part of a suite of commands sometimes called what-if analysis tools. When you know the desired result of a single formula but not the […]

How to Use Multi-Lined Custom Formats in Excel Cells

Formatting cells to suit your requirement in Excel is one of the easiest tasks to perform. Excel is flexible enough to let you customize formats to suit your needs as well. But what if you require two lined custom formats in Excel? You can use the wrap text feature of Excel but that depends on […]

How to Assign / Define Names To Formulas in Excel – Use Formulas Easily

Formulas are very much useful in Excel Sheets to calculate complex equations easily. Microsoft Excel has no way to paste commonly-used formulas. You can make your formulas more accessible by assigning names to your formulas. This tip will let you use any of your excel formulas by just using the defined name in the space […]

How to Add Pictures or Texture Fill to Auto Shapes in Excel

The Auto shapes in Excel 2007 can be made to look more interesting and personalized by changing the shape fill of the image. Adding pictures to your shapes gives a new look and feel to it. Besides adding pictures you can also change the stroke color of the shape and also fill gradient effects and […]

How to Download Locked Files or Documents from Scribd

In Scribd, If the uploader disabled the download option, you will not be able to download files for offline use and they can only be accessed online. How do you download locked or restricted files or documents from Scribd? There is a workaround using which you can get any locked files from any website. Previously […]

How to Change Back Up / Auto Save Frequency of Word Documents

If you experience frequent system restarts or shutdowns, or even power failures it can get very annoying and difficult to recover a lost document. You may also forget to save the document while working, and it may be a long time since you last saved the document. Although Word takes a backup of your documents […]

How to Manage Saved MSN Messenger Passwords.

MSN Messenger is capable of remembering saved passwords from previous login sessions. This may be harmful if you are using a public computer since your passwords will be made available to unauthorized users. You can ensure that your password isn’t saved by Windows, and also delete it if it is saved by following these simple […]

How to Set and Use Default File Format for Word Documents

When you create a document in Word, you need to save it in a particular format. Usually these formats are Word or Word version specific. This can cause a problem especially if you open your Word documents on more than one machine with different versions of Word. However, there are a few formats that are […]

How to Create Automatic Numbered Lists in Word

Microsoft Word provides you with multiple features that  help you type out and create your documents with great ease and speed. One such feature is the automatic numbered list feature. This automatically formats the paragraph with a hanging indent, and creates a numbered list when you type an alphabet or a number followed by a […]

How to Add Voice Annotations / Audio Files to your Text in Word Documents

Microsoft Word allows you to easily add voice annotations to your text document. An annotation is a note or a special instruction that is added along with the document. It is an audio file which can be inserted into the document. These are mainly helpful in making guides or tutorials. We already discussed How to […]

Differentiate Data In Excel without Sorting – Value Based Shading

If you need to differentiate between data without sorting it, you can do it with ease in Excel 2007. Using the "Conditional Formatting" rules in Excel 2007, you can easily segregate even numbers from the odd numbers in your data. This is called Value based Shading which means adding color to specific value types. With […]

How to Insert a Section Mark Special Symbol in Word Documents

While creating a legal document, you are required to add many special symbols. One of these symbols, called a section mark, which resembles a double ‘S’ is used extensively in legal documents. This section mark special character can be easily added by using the key combination of [Alt] + 0167. This character can also be […]

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