How To Safely Over Clock Your CPU
CPU overclocking has its advantages but it can also be risky business. Here is a safe way to overclock your CPU. Most processors allow overclocking only to a certain extent. Others, by virtue of their design, allow it a little more. Most processors today have their clock multipliers locked and this prevents them from being […]
10 Maintenance Tips to Improve Your Laptop’s Life
Laptops are expensive gadgets made for mobility. Generally, they are not very tough, and are not known to take too well to being mishandled . If you do end up messing your laptop, even the smallest of repairs will set you back by a lot of money. Read on to learn how to care for […]
Fix The Specified Port is Unknown Error for Printers
Sometimes you come across an error which reads “The specified port is unknown” when you are doing the installation of a new hardware like printers. It will come up when the installer requests to connect the USB cable to the computer. It will make you quit the installation shortly after with the specified port is […]
What is RAID and RAID controller memory
RAID is the abbreviation for “Redundant Array Of Independent Disks.” It refers to the technology of storing data with a higher degree of protection and/or performance than regular storage. There are many different “levels” of RAID, and typical examples are RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 1+0, RAID 0+1, RAID 3+0, and many more. At each […]
Windows XP is not recognizing my USB drive?
WINDOWS is not recognizing my USB drive. I got all the drivers installed and also the USB drive is working fine. I solved it by following a simple procedure. If you too are facing the same problem then this will help you solve it. Windows may be turning a blind eye to your external drive […]
Factory Original Memory Upgrades Keep Computers Running Smoothly
Day by day the way we use the computer is varying. More number of applications are being used which will also involve programs which will consume a lot of memory. So in order to meet the requirements more memory is being added to them. These upgrading procedures can turn into disaster if your memory is […]
Video Capturing Devices
Have you ever thought of converting your old VHS tapes into DVD’s. Well here is a type of device which will make that happen. It is called as Video Capture Deviceand you connect it to USB of your computer. A Video Capture Device is a device which allows you to connect video playing equipment like […]
How to choose a Printer for Digital Photography
Although digital technology allows people to display and store their images using various media which are reputed to last for centuries, there’s still something to be said for having an actual photograph in your hands. Displaying digital images using various types of high-tech equipment can be a bit expensive. Because of this, many people still […]
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