How to Start and End Processes on a Remote Computer

To access a Remote Computer there are number of command-line utilities that let you administer Windows NT/2K/2003/XP/Vista computers. We can start or end processes on a remote computer by using a collection of tools – known as PsTools – Download them here : DOWNLOAD PSTOOLS.

The tools help administrators streamline management tasks such as troubleshooting OS issues, configuring networking and security features, and such. A Resource Kit is a set of software resources and documentation released with or after a major version of Windows.


Before we begin, do note that some anti-virus scanners might report some of the tools contained in the archive you download as infected— specifically, by a “remote admin” virus. None of the PsTools contain any viruses, though. These tools are sometimes used by certain viruses, and therefore trigger the wrong virus notification. Exclude these tools in your anti-virus scanner to disable the warnings.


Extract the tools to a folder. These can be run as standalone programs and don’t need installation. The beauty of PsTools is that you don’t even need to install any client software on the remote computers at which you target them. PsTools are interesting and useful; to learn more about them—and to clarify anything you might want to—visit



To start a process on a remote computer, you will require a tool PsExec. This is a lightweight replacement for Telnet that lets you execute processes on other systems, complete with full interactivity for console applications, without having to manually install client software. A simplified usage of this command looks like the following:

PsExec \\computer -u username -p password command  where

computer = The name of the remote

computer in UNC format

username = An existing username on the remote computer preceding the -u switch

password = The password associated with the username preceding the -p switch

command = The command that is to be run remotely



To stop a process on a remote computer, you will need the tool called PsKill. This is a utility that can not only kill processes on the local computer, but can also those on remote systems. Just copy PsKill onto your executable path, and type in pskill with the command-line options defined below. A simplified usage of this command looks like

PsKill -t \\computer -u username -p password process_id | process_name  where

computer = The name of the remote computer in UNC format

username = An existing username on the remote computer preceding the -u switch

password = The password associated with the username preceding the -p switch

process_id = This specifies the process ID of the process you want to kill

process_name = This specifies the process name of the process or processes you want to kill



Note here that you can either specify the process ID or the process name of the process you want to kill. If you omit the computer name, PsExec will run the application on the local system, and if you enter a computer name as “\\*” (without the quotes), PsExec will runs the application on all computers in the current domain. If you wish, you can create scripts with multiple commands of the above kind to run it simultaneously against many computers. Space does not permit a detailed explanation of the scripting process in this case.

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