How To Appear Offline To Selected People On Facebook

Facebook is the largest social networking community in the Internet world and no wonder you have number of people added to your list. So, now the question comes whom do you want to see you online on Facebook chat.

On IM services like Yahoo and Gtalk, you have an option to go invisible for specific users. But you do not have the same feature on Facebook chat (that is what you believe).

It must have happened with you N number of times when you go online on Facebook chat to talk to someone and 5 other people (unwanted ones) buzz you. Here is some help which would let you appear offline to selected people on Facebook chat.

Yes, you can now freely go online on Facebook chat without worrying about being bugged by unwanted people. Here is the number of ways to stay offline on Facebook chat.

Ways To Appear Offline To Selected People On Facebook Chat

Go Offline Completely

I am pretty sure that this isn’t an option you would be looking for. But just for the records, you can go offline on Facebook chat and use the Message feature to talk to the person. Since no one would come to know that you are online, you purpose is solved.

Appear Offline To Individual Users

If the number of people to whom you want to appear is quite small, then this could be a preferable option. All you need to do is open the chat box of the person to whom you want to appear offline and click on the Settings button (gear like button) and click on Go Offline To <Friend_Name> and that is it. That particular user will always find you offline now.

Appear Offline To A Group Of People

Apparently, above is not the right option if you wish to appear offline to a group of people on Facebook chat. Click on the Advanced Settings button and a window will pop up. This window will help you select users to whom you will be shown as Offline on their Facebook Chat. Click on the first option, and type all the names (users), whom you want to avoid on chat.

That is it! These are the three ways to appear offline to selected people on Facebook. Comment and let us know your thought on this.

Filed under: Tips n Tricks
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May 30, 2012 by: Prasanth Chandra

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