How to Remove / Uninstall Vista Update with Bugs – USB Component problem

Windows updates are meant to be bug free. But this is not the case with some of the Vista updates  For example, the kb938371 patch responsible for better system management, which Vista thrust upon users, created problems with connected USB components. This problem is seen in all Vista versions. If you facing any problem with […]

How to Reactivate Login Password Entry after a Windows OS Update

After updating Windows XP through ‘Windows Update’ and after restarting your computer, you can no longer type passwords in the Welcome screen. Windows may have simply blocked it. So how do you log in? This phenomenon occurs on some systems after a security update. In order to reactivate the login screen, press the key-combination [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del] […]

Reactivating Windows Update after Repairing the System

Windows refuses to boot any more. Luckily, the repair function of the setup CD was able to repair the system. However, Windows Update has strangely stopped functioning automatically or manually. We already discussed about activating Windows for Corrupted XP Installation. Here we will see how to reactivate the Windows Update after repairing the System. A […]