Keyboard shortcuts for Google Reader

Google Reader is one of the first things I open when I switch on my computer and Not only me almost all of us will do the same. So the navigation in the reader can be done easily through some KeyBoard Shortcut Keys. When going through thousands of blog posts, news items, photos, etc. a day, it’s important to do this as efficiently as possible. Many users find that using the keyboard is one way of accomplishing that goal.

These Keyboard shortcuts save you time by helping you quickly explore your reading list without moving your hand back and forth between your keyboard and mouse. Here are the keyboard shortcuts for Google Reader. Hope you will find them useful

j/k item down/up selects the next/previous item in the list
space/shift-space page down/up moves the page down/up
n/p scan down/up in list view, selects the next item without opening it
shift-n/p navigation down/up selects the next/previous subscription or folder in the navigation
shift-x navigation expand/collapse expands or collapses a folder selected in the navigation
o open/close item in list view, expands or collapses the selected item
enter open/close item in list view, expands or collapses the selected item
shift-o navigation open subscription opens the subscription or folder currently selected in the navigation
Acting on Items
s toggle star stars or un-stars the selected item
shift-s toggle share shares or un-shares the selected item
v view original opens the original source for this article in a new window
t tag an item opens the tagging field for the selected item
m mark as read/unread switches the read status of the selected item
shift-a mark all as read marks all items in the current view as read
e email item opens the email form to send an item to a friend
g then h go to home goes to the Google Reader homepage
g then a go to all items goes to the “All items” view
g then s go to starred items goes to the “Starred items” view
g then shift-s go to shared items goes to the “Your shared items” view
g then u go to subscription allows you to navigate to a subscription by entering the subscription name
g then t go to tag allows you to navigate to a tag by entering the tag name
g then shift-t go to trends goes to the “Trends” view
g then d go to feed discovery shows the recommendations page, or the browse page if there are no recommendations
r refresh refreshes the unread counts in the navigation
u toggle full screen mode hides or shows the list of subscriptions
1 expanded view displays the subscription as expanded items
2 list view displays the subscription as a list of headlines
/ search moves your cursor to the search box
a add a subscription opens the “Add a subscription” box in the sidebar
? keyboard shortcuts help displays a quick guide to all of Reader’s shortcuts


Here are some more shortcuts:

Shortcuts for Windows XP

Shortcuts for Gmail

Shortcuts for Firefox

Ref: Google


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