Google Tasks – To-Do List and Schedule Organizer in Your Gmail

Google Tasks is one of the famous Gmail Labs features. It is out of labs and is now a full time feature. This Tasks will help you keep track of what you need to do. Its a To-Do List in your Email. It has got lot of features which will make organizing your schedules and events easy.

You can access Tasks from the Gmail by just clicking on "Tasks" under the "Contacts" link above your chat list. This is the first Gmail labs product that is made a default option. You can check out other Gmail labs features like Preview YouTube Videos, Picasa and Flickr photos, etc

Tasks helps you note down important things and you can even set date and time for them. This will be shown in your Google calendar and you can easily edit these according to your wish. You can even create multiple tasks lists and this can be accessed through the “More Actions” button. You can know more about this feature from the following video..

Google Tasks

[via Gmail Blog]

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July 15, 2009 by: Prasanth Chandra


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