Browse and Share your Money Saving Tips on Various Topics using Tip JAR

Tip Jar, a Google powered site which has a collection of Money saving tips on different categories. It requires a Gmail ID to log in and start contributing tips and vote on the ones others have submitted. This site has more than 4000 tips and some 50,000 votes. The home page shows the popular tips.

Tip Jar - share and take tips about money

The tips are distributed into 12 categories, including home, work, finance, kids, family,cars, eco (environmental tips), technology, shopping, food, and more. Simply click on a category to browse the tips inside, or search for specific tips using the keyword search at the top of the page.

The site looks very user friendly, just click on a category and it will show you a list of tips shared by different users. You can also search for specific terms for tips. You can vote on a tip by clicking on the correct symbol and if you don’t like the tip you can click the X symbol.

You can submit a tip by clicking the "submit a tip" icon at the bottom of the page which brings up a window where you can contribute to the discussion. You should log in to share a tip. Once done, you tip will be added to database and will be shown in the list. This service is growing slowly and it sure will help you save some money.


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