How to Configure Linux – Add Applications, Set the Screen Resolution, Desktop Wallpaper

After you freshly installed Linux on your system, it is important to configure the settings. If you are new to Linux, here are the ways to set up and use the Linux system in a better way. These involve simple tasks in Linux such as setting up Internet, adding new applications or packages, setting screen […]

Wubi Ubuntu Installer – Install Wubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu on Windows

Wubi is a free tool which lets you install and uninstall Ubuntu Linux as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way. It enables you to install Wubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu using Windows. It works like every other installer. The Linux operating system can be installed on Windows virtual hard drives easily and […]

How to Install, Run & Use Windows Games, Software Applications in Linux – PlayOnLinux

Windows Programs like Software or Games doesn’t work in Linux. Using PlayOnLinux, you can Install and Run Windows Games and Software Applications on your Linux system easily. This is very useful to use different windows programs in Linux.  You don’t need to search for the Linux version of your favorite Windows Game or programs as […]

How to Alter / Change Mouse Settings In Fedora Core Control Center

You may want to speed up your mouse pointer acceleration or change a right-handed mouse to left-handed,or change the cursor theme. These mouse settings can be changed or altered easily in Fedora core distro. All the above can be done from Fedora’s Control Center. Assuming you’re using KDE, Click on the Hat button to open […]

Mount & UnMount Windows Partitions In Linux using Shell Script [ How to ]

If you dual-boot Linux and Windows, you’re likely to mount the Windows partition every now and then. Although some of the new distributions provide the option of mounting Windows partitions at startup, you might still want to keep control to yourself. You can do this in 2 ways, Manually or by using a simple shell […]

3 Ways to Capture / Take A Screenshot On A Linux Computer

There is no fixed method of taking a screenshot in Linux. That means a method used to take a screenshot in Gnome is not applicable for KDE. Here, we look at the different methods of capturing screenshots – the Gnome method, the KDE method and the Gimp method. If you don’t know what are these, […]

Troubleshooting Monitor Resolution Problems in Linux

We already discussed about how to change monitor resolution in Linux. If you have chosen a resolution that is not supported by your monitor, you’re in for some graphics related trouble. The GUI tries to spawn, but the display doesn’t support it, so it re-spawns again and the cycle continues. To rectify this, you need […]

BASH Script to Back Up Files Modified Files in Linux

Here is a BASH Script which will back up the files created in the current directory within the past 24 hours in a “.tar.gz” file. Bash, an acronym for Bourne-again Shell, is a Unix shell written for the GNU Project and is the default shell for Linux and Mac OS X. let you accomplish a […]

How to Change Monitor/Screen Resolution in Linux

Changing monitor or screen resolution in Fedora or RedHat is possible from the command line: all you need is the command that will open the interface to change the settings. I say this is easier, because you won’t have to search through the program menu(s) looking for it. But, you need to take some precautions […]

How to Create Permanent Aliases For Frequently Used Commands in Linux

We use certain commands frequently; some are very long and irritating to type in again and again. You could use the ‘alias’ command to assign aliases, but the result is temporary. Let’s be smarter, hack a script file, and set permanent aliases for such commands. Lets know how to Create Permanent Alias for this Command. […]

Linux Live Gamers Distro – Boot & Play Free High End FPS, RTS, RPG 3D Games

The Linux Live Game Project is a compilation of games for Linux, and requires no previous knowledge on how to set up Linux and all its applications. It’s a Live DVD that’s based on Arch Linux, so there is no need to create space and partition drives, either. Depending on your hardware, you’d be well […]

IndLinux Rangoli – Linux Distro in Indian Languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Marathi and Punjabi etc

A few enterprising Indian groups have decided to make Linux easily accessible to non-English speaking public by creating distributions for them. IndLinux is one of the more prominent Linux distributions I came across, which supports Indian languages like Hindi, Oriya, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu.  It’s a Live CD based […]

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